Hello there! My goal is to guide everyday people and fellow food enthusiasts through my experiences with food and culture. The name "A Typical Palate" is a play on words. It represents my "atypical" palate because I enjoy trying a variety of foods, while also showcasing "a typical" palate as I appreciate common foods just like most people.

Over the past 20 years, I have focused on finding the most "authentic" dishes. I've shifted from guarding these dishes against those who may not respect their cultural significance, to sharing what I know about new dishes without concern for whether someone likes or appreciates the food. For instance, instead of insisting there's only one way to make chow mein, I now appreciate its diverse origins and how each region, culture, and family has adapted it.

I understand that it's impossible to know everything about food culture and ingredients, and I'm learning every day. While outrage might boost SEO and clicks, my hope is to avoid such tactics for success.

As for social media, I plan to share enjoyable content occasionally without heavily curating my posts. I aim to be authentic to myself and genuine to my followers. While this might not change the toxicity of social media, I can at least say I've made an effort.

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